Costa Rica and Panama Elderhostel Cruise January-February 2006

Cruise Day 8 (January 30): Portobelo, Panama  (Click Here for Cruise Map)

The day began with a Zodiac bird finding tour of the mangrove swamps. Christopher Columbus gave this city its name in 1502, and it became one of the richest ports in the known world. Tons of gold and silver passed through Portobelo on its way to Spain, so it naturally attracted many notorious pirates.  We took a later Zodiac to the city after welcoming Mary and Dan on their return from a morning visit. We visited the ruins of one of the three huge forts that unsuccesfully protected the harbor. The city has been on a decline after being repeatedly sacked and suffered again when Spain permitted trading voyages around Cape Horn.  We walked old Fort San Jerónimo and visited San Felipe church, where there is an altar depicting the "Black Christ."  Note the quaintly painted bus and one house that stood out as the nicest in town.
--Click on pictures for full-screen views--
Portobelo Harbor
Dan and Mary return from visit to town
Customs House
Fort St. Jerome
Colorful House
Black Christ

Portobelo Mangrove Zodiac trip: 8 Species (6 New)
Portobelo (in town): 6 Species (3 New)
Blue-headed Parrot*
Squirrel Cuckoo*
Panama Flycatcher*
Rusty-margined Flycatcher*
Boat-billed Heron*
Greater Ani*
Little Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Southern House Wren*
Flame-rumped Tanager*
Tropical Mockingbird*
Tricolored Heron
Black-bellied Plover
House Sparrow

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